Discharges from a man's penis can tell a lot about his health. They are physiological and pathological. Sometimes a change in the color of biological fluids becomes the only symptom of the disease.
Physiological discharge

Physiological discharge from the penis when aroused does not cause any discomfort to the male. The main function of such fluids is to protect the genitourinary system. They are of a moderate nature, odorless, transparent, with uniform consistency.
Transparent discharge is considered the norm. Fluids contain protective factors against pathogenic microflora and microorganisms, which are natural human microflora.
Natural body fluids include:
- urethral libidinal rhea;
- smegma;
- defecation prostatorrhea;
- shedding.
Under normal circumstances, a man does not notice the natural flow from the penis. It is perceived as a known condition.
White download
Small amounts of odorless white discharge from the penis are normal. Most often, discharge occurs after sleep. It is secreted that the urethral and paraurethral glands produce.
Libid urethra is the discharge of drops of clear fluid from the penis during sexual arousal. They are an adaptive mechanism for sperm movement. According to the delightful secret, the "living" moves easily from the male penis.
However, the urethra, which is associated with sexual arousal, contains a small amount of sperm. In rare cases, sexual contact without contraception can lead to conception.

Intra-abdominal pressure increases at the time of the act of defecation or during coughing. The sphincters relax and a small amount of white discharge leaks out. The contents are a mixture of seminal vesicle and prostate secretions.
Smegma is the secretion of sebaceous glands, which is observed around the penis and foreskin. Such a secret is odorless. It is a protective lubricant for the glans penis, facilitates the sliding of the foreskin over the glans of the penis. Upon reaching old age, smegma ceases to be produced.
Ejaculation (ejaculation) is the release of sperm during sexual intercourse or masturbation. The semen has a normal uniform white color, without additional impurities. There is a specific smell of "horse chestnut". During passage through the urethra, semen mixes with the secretions of the urethral glands. When glandular secretion changes, it can change color to light gray.
Ejaculation during sleep is called wet dream. It is observed during the development of reproductive function in adolescents or an increase in testosterone levels. The emission rate is up to three times a week.
Yellow discharge
Physiological secretion of yellow glands from the penis is observed when smegma is implanted with non-specific microflora. This is noticed when the rules of personal hygiene are violated. When smegma decomposes, an unpleasant odor appears. The secret is easily washed off with warm water. To maintain the purity of the genitals, you should take a shower twice a day.
Pathological discharge from the penis

The first sign of pathological discharge is an increase in its amount. This is the moment when the pathogen penetrates only into the mucosa of the genitourinary tract and has not yet caused inflammation.
In the future, discharge from the penis changes color to a more turbid one. They become abundant, contagious and fiscal. Complaints of itching, burning, pain in the lower abdomen and along the urethra, aggravated by urination and during sexual intercourse. This condition is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.
Pathological discharge from the penis causes:
- sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis);
- opportunistic microorganisms (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, yeast, staphylococci);
- chemicals (soap, detergents, lubricants, condom lubricants);
- urinary tract injuries (surgical interventions, urethral bougienage);
- genitourinary tract tumors (prostate adenoma, bladder tumors);
- the passage of stones and sand through the urinary tract.
The same process, changing phases, is characterized by a change in discharge from the urethra.
White download

Often, the first symptom of sexually transmitted and inflammatory processes caused by opportunistic flora is abundant white discharge, which then changes color and consistency.
The development of yeasts in the urethra causes urogenital candidiasis (thrush). With the disease, there is an abundant flow of cheese with a sour smell. Men complain of itching and burning in the urethra, aggravation in the lower abdomen. The color of the secreted secretion can be changed by the secondary opportunistic flora that has joined.
Leakage of sperm from the penis without sexual intercourse or orgasm (spermatorhea) indicates a decrease in the tone of the sphincters of the vas deferens. This condition can occur as a result of chronic inflammation or brain damage.
Yellow discharge
Yellow discharge is the first sign of inflammation of the genitourinary system, which can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases, non-specific flora and an allergic reaction to chemicals. To identify the cause of such symptoms and prescribe a specific treatment, a doctor's consultation is required.
Purulent discharge
Purulent discharge from the urethra with an unpleasant putrid odor is observed with gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, gardnerelosis. In addition to abundant secretions, the male complains of discomfort in the lower abdomen, burning sensation when urinating.
The symptoms are most pronounced in the morning. This is due to the accumulation of secretions in the urethra after a long stay in a horizontal position and a decrease in the frequency of urination at night. The so-called symptom of morning sickness. When shed some turbid yellow spots before urination.

Bloody discharge from the penis definitely can not be the norm. This is always a pathological phenomenon. What are the reasons for the discharge of blood droplets from the urethra?
The most common reason is an acute inflammatory process. The appearance of a bloody compound in natural fluids indicates trauma to the inflamed mucosa by an aggressive factor.
Chronic prostatitis can cause red blood during ejaculation. This is due to the appearance of stones in the testicles with prolonged inflammation. The stones damage the small vessels and the blood droplets separate.
Varicose veins in the pelvis and perineal region lead to an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall and the penetration of erythrocytes into the seminal fluid.
The passage of sand and stones damages the delicate walls of the urethral mucosa. There is a bleeding along with natural bleeding from the urethra and during urination.
A common symptom of tumors of the genitourinary system is bloody discharge from the penis. The mechanism of occurrence of such signs is considered to be a small trauma with uric acid salts, excretory products from the body and semen.
A kidney disease like glomerulonephritis is characterized by damage to the renal tubules and the presence of bloody contents in the urine. The disease is often accompanied by symptoms of kidney failure.
Treatment should only be prescribed by a physician. For examination, you can contact a venereologist or urologist. After clinical and laboratory tests, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory therapy and antibiotics, taking into account the susceptibility to the pathogen.
Independent and uncontrolled intake of antibacterial drugs leads to the development of resistance to microorganisms, as well as to the transition of the process to a chronic stage.
Long-term parasitism of pathological flora in the genitourinary system disrupts sperm production. They lose the ability to move. This leads to infertility.
Discharge from the penis is the first signal from the body for a disease of the genitourinary system. The best prevention of male diseases is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene and discrimination in sexual relations. A consistent partner and a well-established life will help to avoid health problems.