Eliminating potential problems requires an integrated approach. One of the conditions for the rapid restoration of male potency is to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. This is why the list of medications for treating erectile dysfunction often includes specific vitamin complexes.
What are vitamins, what is their function in the body and which of them will help in erectile dysfunction.
Vitamins: types and meaning
Currently, vitamins include simple organic compounds with high biological activity. They act as a catalyst for chemical reactions, ensuring the normal course of metabolic processes and maximum absorption of nutrients.
Thanks to these properties, vitamins are very important for recovery, physical activity and energy.
Most biologically active compounds are not synthesized in the human body. They can enter the digestive tract either with food or as part of special dietary supplements. According to the ability to digest vitamins are classified as fat soluble or water soluble. Substances from the first group (A, E, K) can accumulate in the tissues, and from the second (C, B) they are excreted together with the fluid, and therefore it is necessary to ensure their regular daily intake inbody.
What vitamins are needed for male potency
The list of vitamins includes more than two dozen biologically active compounds. They all have a different effect on certain body systems.
What group of vitamins are needed to restore an erection and increase sexual desire?
The vitamin complex for men should include substances with the following properties:
- improving the functioning of the nervous system and increasing the speed of passage of impulses between the brain and the penis;
- activation of sperm production and prostate secretion;
- regulating the work of the vascular system and maintaining the tone of the walls of blood vessels;
- strengthening the body's protective properties in relation to pathogenic bacteria and adverse environmental factors.
Based on this, to increase potency, the following bioactive compounds should be taken:
Name | Action on the body |
Vitamin A (retinol) | It boosts immune defenses, belongs to the powerful natural antioxidants and is a stimulant for the production of male sex hormones. |
B vitamins (thiamine, nicotinic and folic acid, biotin) | Vitamins for male tone and energy also improve psycho-emotional state, activate androgen production and accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses. Nicotinic acid with the prostate dilates the lumen of blood vessels, improving blood flow, is also recommended for potency disorders caused by circulatory disorders. |
Vitamin D (calciferol) | Participates in sperm synthesis, normalizes blood composition and density, which is important for starting a full and stable erection. |
Vitamin E (tocopherol) | Improves blood circulation, promotes cell renewal, restores the endocrine system. Tocopherol with selenium neutralizes radicals, improves vascular elasticity, which is needed to increase strength. |
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) | It is necessary to increase immunity, to improve blood circulation, is one of the components in the synthesis of male sex hormones. |
In addition to vitamins, the male body should be given the following minerals daily:
- ZINC. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system, the prostate gland.
- potassium. Responsible for supplying cells with nutrients, needed to maintain renal excretory function, participates in testosterone synthesis.
- magnesia. Normalizes the level of blood pressure, prevents blockage of the lumen of veins and arteries with cholesterol plaques, ensures a stable erection throughout sexual intercourse.
- selenium. Improves seminal fluid quality, increasing the number of stable sperm. Vitamins for men when planning a pregnancy must necessarily contain this trace element.
General recommendations for use
For the most effective treatment and prevention of erectile dysfunction, it is better to entrust to a specialist the choice of a vitamin complex. The doctor will choose the medicine taking into account the health condition of the man, his age, the presence of chronic diseases and other negative factors.

When to start taking vitamins
Vitamins can be taken at any age, both for the treatment of disorders that have already begun and for prevention purposes. For younger men, daily intake of vitamins A, E and B is important, which neutralize the effects of bad habits and positively affect the emotional background after suffering stress and nervous strain. The best vitamins for strength in middle-aged men are C, A and E. This combination will help maintain the normal functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems. Mandatory multivitamin intake is recommended for all representatives of the stronger sex after 40-45 years. At this age there is a gradual slowdown of metabolic processes, which negatively affects the functioning of the body as a whole and the functioning of the reproductive system. To prevent sexual dysfunction, you can take regular restorative vitamins. The need for vitamin D increases with age.
Daily body intake
All potency vitamins for men, which are available in the form of tablets or capsules, contain a certain dose of vitamins and minerals. You just have to stick to the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.
When adjusting your diet or takingdietary supplementrecoveryerectile functionyou should focus on the following daily rates:
- A - 900 mcg;
- B3 - 15-20 mg;
- B6 - 1, 5-2 mg;
- B12 - 2-3 mg;
- C - 300-500 mg;
- E - 20-25 mg;
- D - 2-2, 5 mcg;
- zinc - 15 mg;
- selenium - 5 mcg.
Contraindications and possible side effects
You can take dietary supplements and vitamins to increase strength virtually without restrictions. An exception is the presence of a heart attack, stomach ulcer or urolithiasis in a man. Contraindications also include individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug.
An important condition for the successful use of vitamins to improve erection is strict adherence to the manufacturer's instructions regarding the recommended dose and course duration. An overdose can cause several side effects: sleep disturbances, allergic reactions, changes in blood composition and increased risk of thrombosis.
natural resources
All the vitamins necessary for men's health can be obtained from food. To do this, you need to review your daily diet and include foods that contain beneficial substances in it.
So tocopherol for a good erection is found in green onions and celery, in sunflower oil, nuts and seafood. Most ascorbic acid is found in citrus fruits, parsley, cabbage, black currant, viburnum. For calciferol to enter the body, it is necessary to include in the diet eggs, sour cream, hard cheeses, sea fish. Vitamins for immunity (retinol) are found in beef liver, cod liver, glowing vegetables and fruits.
Pumpkin seeds, garlic, sea fish will help provide a daily dose of zinc. To replenish selenium, it is recommended to eat rye bread, tomatoes, corn. Magnesium for strength can be obtained from nuts, sesame, sunflower seeds, buckwheat.
Vitamin complexes
Pharmacies offer a large selection of mineral-vitamin complexes with different compositions and prices for sexual activity. Consider in more detail the best vitamin complexes:
- The complex, created for men, contains vitamins (A, B, D, E) and trace elements (magnesium, manganese, iron and others). The tool can be used as a pill for body fatigue, as well as to restore an erection. Despite the high efficiency, the complex has one significant drawback: the instructions list a number of contraindications that should be considered before starting the course.
- Ginseng vitamins, which increase muscle tone, accelerate recovery after physical and emotional stress, normalize sleep, strengthen immunity. The drug is created for three times a day, while the tablets for morning, afternoon and evening have an optimally selected composition for a certain time of day.
- Vitamins containing selenium to increase male fertility. The trace element stimulates ejaculate production and improves its quality. If you need to choose male vitamins for successful conception of a child, you should choose this medicine.
- Vitamins for male fertility and stimulation of testosterone production. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the composition includes plant extracts of Eurycoma longifolia root, yohimbe bark, ginger and deer antlers. The drug is available in the form of tablets and drops.
- Popular American vitamins created for mature people and those who undergo regular physical activity. These are the most beneficial vitamins for men to strengthen and support the body, restore the endocrine system and normalize hormonal levels.
- Vitamins for strong power with selenium, zinc and other minerals useful for the male reproductive system. The tool has virtually no contraindications. An exception is pathology of the thyroid gland due to the iodine content in tablets. During the course of administration, the use of other drugs containing iodine is not recommended.
- Vitamins recommended for impotence and other disorders of sexual function. The composition of the tablets includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, extracts of medicinal plants, digestive enzymes. The drug improves the condition of the prostate gland, increases mental and physical activity, improves the absorption of nutrients.
- Vitamins to increase erection, activate the immune system, increase stamina and heal faster after physical exertion. The complex is also prescribed to patients in need of rehabilitation and recovery after severe illness.
- Vitamins with zinc and magnesium, which experts recommend to use to increase immunity to the risk of infectious diseases, to restore the body after long-term hormonal treatment or being on a strict diet. The complex increases the stamina of the body and helps to restore strength and maintain sexual function.
Despite the fact that vitamin complexes are not classified as medicines, any vitamin for men should be prescribed by a specialist after a preliminary examination and assessment of the patient's condition. To improve potency, tablets or capsules should be taken strictly according to instructions.