Erection after 50 years in the vast majority of men is subject to change, unfortunately, not for the better. The "trace" of age makes itself felt, but years lived are not the only factor leading to erectile dysfunction.
Every representative of the stronger sex, regardless of his age, wants to be attractive to his partner and every "mistake" of an intimate plan manifests itself as a severe psychological trauma, which rarely remains without subsequent difficulty.
With age there is a decrease in erection, decrease in sexual desire, the duration of sexual intercourse leaves much to be desired. In this regard, many men in their fifties are looking for an answer to the question, how to improve an erection?
Let's look at the reasons for the decline in erection ability at the age of fifty, and also discover which way will help restore male strength?
Impotence and age 50 years
It cannot be said with complete certainty that all men aged 51 and over will have sexual problems. Only that during these years age-related changes are observed in the body of the stronger sex, testosterone levels decrease. Therefore, an erection at 40 and 52 years old will be significantly different.
Male strength decreases under the influence of a large number of harmful factors. It is noted that in the first place the reason for this is the level of testosterone in the blood of men. Doctors note that at the age of 30-35, the hormone concentration is declining and the age of 50 can become a critical sign.
With each passing year, the functionality of blood vessels decreases, the vascular walls lose their former elasticity and resilience, they undergo pathological changes and breakdown of structure. As a result, blood circulation is disturbed and impotence is not far off.
Moreover, it is rare for any representative of the stronger sex at age 53 not to have a history of chronic diseases that negatively affect men’s erectile abilities.
Let's highlight the most common causes of erectile dysfunction after 50 years:
- Wrong lifestyle, in particular, alcohol abuse, smoking, drug use, low physical activity. As well as lack of physical activity, excess weight.
- Psychological problems. As noted, a "mistake" in bed can lead to other difficulties that will undoubtedly affect the quality of the erection.
- Various cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes mellitus of any kind, trauma to the penis or pelvic organs, multiple sclerosis, vascular pathology and other diseases.
To treat chronic diseases, a 54-year-old man takes medication, which, as a side effect, can significantly weaken sexual potency, leading to a range of intimate problems.
Statistics show that impotence affects not only 55-year-old men, but also beautiful sex. Chronic diseases and unhealthy lifestyle, excess weight - all this leads to a decrease in sexual desire in women.
Improving strength and erection: tips and tricks
Restoring the sexual strength of the representatives of the stronger sex begins with establishing the cause, which acts as a provocative factor. If this item is ignored, then no effective and powerful remedy will help to restore a good lift.
Therefore, first of all, it is recommended to visit a doctor, to undergo an examination for the presence of pathologies that impair the erectile ability of men. For example, if you reach normal sugar levels in diabetes, then the quality of the erection increases.
When inflammatory processes in the prostate gland are leveled, then over time, the sexual forces return completely. Thus, treatment depends on the main source of pathological failure.
In general, the treatment of impotence can go in the following directions:
- Treating the "original source" of the problem, symptomatic therapy is also recommended so that the man can live a regular intimate life.
- The appointment of dietary supplements that provide an increase in immune status, compensate for the lack of minerals and vitamins, positively affect the body as a whole.
- Hormone replacement therapy is recommended in cases where the patient has an extremely low level of testosterone in the blood.
- Fast-acting drugs that affect blood circulation, as a result of which the penis becomes strong and elastic. They do not affect the causes, are characterized by a temporary effect and a relatively prolonged action.
- Physiotherapy procedures. These include magnetotherapy, mud therapy, mineral baths and much more.
Improved erection can be expected at any age, and at age 56, many men remain sexually active. The main thing to remember is that along with medication therapy, lifestyle correction is also of no small importance.
Important additional rules for a good lift: a balanced diet, exercise, timely treatment of all diseases (even colds).
Medications for erection
When a man realizes that his erection has worsened, he almost immediately thinks which pill to take? And this is not uncommon, but at age 57, not every medicine will work.
Many drugs have many contraindications, namely, taking them against the background of certain diseases in adulthood is fraught not only with side effects, but also with some complications.
All means for an erection are classified depending on the application. Most often, men prefer to take pills, as this is the most convenient way. But drugs have another form of release.
For example, urethral medicines are injected into the urethra, act for 10 minutes, and are characterized by an effect of about an hour. This time is enough to have a full sexual intercourse.
There are the following forms of medication:
- Injections are performed into the cavernous body of the penis. The action is observed after 5-10 minutes. Side effects: pain during drug administration, itching, burning, pain during sex. They are prescribed by a doctor.
- Means of local action. These include various creams and gels. Perhaps this is the safest way to help restore an erection at age 58. Due to the herbal composition of the drug does not provoke side effects.
When choosing a tool of synthetic origin, you should always remember about the "back side of the coin", especially about the possible harm from drug use. And then a slow erection will no longer be the biggest problem for men.
At age 59, dietary supplements like Ogoplex, Ali Caps, Inforte, Yarsagumba and other supplements are popular. They work slowly but have a cumulative effect, allowing you to maintain a good erection even after stopping medication.
Sport as a way to improve erectile function
When a man has intimate problems, any doctor means that sport is an integral part of therapy. During active movement, blood circulation in the body increases, soft tissues receive more oxygen, lose excess weight, which is often observed in adult men.
It is not necessary to get tired of training in the gym, as there are special complexes aimed at restoring sexual strength at home. The main thing is to train every day for 20-30 minutes.
Of course, the process will take a relatively long period of time, as the muscles need time to strengthen and recover.
Consider some effective exercises for mature men:
- "Rear Motion". A man should sit on the floor, straighten his legs forward, with his heels slightly resting on the floor. Then you have to move the backs, moving forward. "Walk" at least 5 feet in a workout.
- Exercise "Bicycle". The man lies on a flat surface, lifts his legs up and then imitates the bicycle. Start with a short training time, gradually increasing to 7-8 minutes of continuous driving.
- Lie on the floor, bend your knees, support your heels on the plane. On a deep breath, raise the pelvis, on the exhale below. Repeat as much as possible.
The exercises listed above contribute to the normalization of blood, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, which positively affects the strength and erection of men.
Special sprays help speed up the process of returning male power. The peculiarity of the drug lies in the fact that its effectiveness does not depend on age. An amazing result awaits young and mature men.