The accumulated centuries-old knowledge to allow them to choose any man healers, medicine solution for impotence problem etc .. spicy in bed. Suggest potency herbal medicines use the correct recipes and food. It is important to remember, this application should be public funding of Canada's long-natural components are different, the cumulative effect, accordingly, the necessary adjustment and long-lasting treatment.

The rise of power for effective recipes
The best recipes to enhance the male power that ever happened to me – water infusion, and alcoholic beverages, a selection of teas. Also useful reference and special dishes-aphrodisiac, stimulating arousal, on the emotional level.
Ginger drink
Ginger – a famous natural stimulants. Additionally, activates the blood circulation and testosterone synthesis struggle with premature ejaculation, it normalizes psychological background.
The plant also has a positive effect on condition eliminates the circulatory system and urological diseases. Honey, along with a more powerful activator potency, the most effective tool to combat erectile dysfunction is the root Horned.
The most popular drink – ginger tea. Follows is prepared:
- Boil 2 quarts water;
- Get fresh root, clean, chop finely and boiling a liquid;
- Lower gas and bake 15 minutes to drink;
- Add a slice of lemon and a little honey;
- Consumed with a glass after dinner.
A more exotic option, coffee, and ginger. Recipe:
- Buy ginger powder, cinnamon, cardamom and Rosemary;
- How to mix the components;
- Cook the same regular coffee, the rate – ½ teaspoon for a cup of the mixture beneficial.
Tincture cane swamp
Swamp air plant solves a number of tasks.
Intake, potions, plants helps with:
- Back the sex drive;
- Stabilized erection;
- To cope with the disease, sexual and urinary systems;
- Intensify blood flow to genital;
- Increase, vitality.
Medicine based on root .. etc to make a tincture, herbs, must:
- Grind 100 g powder of Root;
- Pour a liter of high quality vodka;
- Insist in a dark place for 2 weeks;
- Shake once every few days;
- The answer is always breakfast or a drink in the evening to 5 ml.

Blend of vitamins
Together nuts, dried fruit and honey is capable of many symptoms to overcome erectile dysfunction. This mix is very simple to make at home, and delicious and nutritious.
That has happened to me most of the meals prepared as follows:
- Pour honey into a blender with a cup of 250 ml Chichewa. 180 g dried apricots and prunes and pour in there. Add walnuts 150 g to clear up, and components. The grind as to the state of a homogeneous mass. Received necessary food twice a day and 1 tablespoon, yogurt or sour cream mixing;
- Mix 100 g peeled pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts and walnuts. Is a convenient way to grind. Daily dose – 1 tbsp. Before you buy honey should be mixed with one day's wages 3:1 ratio.
Potency for an omelet
Basically, male potency tinctures cooking recipes suggest, however, achieved an erection fairly quickly and effectively by using fried egg, baked in a special way.
3 Basic positive affect component that sexual power:
- Eggs that contain protein is necessary for men, and substance, enabling the production of testosterone;
- Onions are also high levels of sexual hormones that provides, sharpening the sensitivity of the penis and reinforced micro-organ;
- Garlic, strengthens vascular walls and decreases activity when pathogenic microorganisms bacterial prostatitis.
Fry an egg you will need:
- Chop the onion and Time 2 Dark Gold color;
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of milk, 3 eggs and olive oil;
- Crush a few cloves of garlic and pour an egg almost ready.
If it is necessary to increase the number by adding ingredients, ground beef or diced tomatoes. To be roasted the first option is satisfied, the second provides additional vitamin A complex.
Recipe with radish
Russian male is beneficial to plant horseradish familiar feature.
Root useful substances they contain, contribute to, improve blood circulation, warning that infectious diseases, improve reproductive function and libido normalized.
First of all, regular consumption will assist in troubleshooting issues with the power kvas shitty. To cook the healthiest drink you can do it yourself:
- Grind and pour 1.5 litres cold purified water 0,5 kg of roots;
- Leave a dark and cool week;
- Squeeze juice from 4 small lemons infusion time runs out;
- Add 500 gr honey light types;
- Again, insist 7 days;
- Drink 20 ounces, twice a day, eat an hour later.

Love tea
Love homemade recipes teas reached out to us, their ancient. Herbs for cooking and medicinal use fees separately.
Recommended by Naturopaths refer to thyme and nettle. In treating various sexual disorders participates in the first component, the second incentive, increased libido, increases the production of the male hormone, stimulates blood circulation in the genital area genitourinary system develops its activities.
Turkey recipe on tea herbs:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of thyme, nettle, peppermint, St. John's wort;
- Pour with boiling water and pour it into a thermos to the brim;
- Cheesecloth in a glass bowl and bidet 25 minutes to transfer to miss;
- Drink a glass three times a day.
A useful beverage with soda
Baking soda is widely used in a folk treatment for sexual dysfunction.
Possess medicinal properties:
- Reduces inflammation processes in the pelvic region;
- Experiencing preventing growth;
- It strengthens the immune system;
- Increases metabolism;
- Increases blood circulation to the sexual organ.
Problems is cooked with milk drink to help you deal with healing power. If necessary, ½ teaspoon baking powder dissolve in a glass volume of liquid in him. You will need a tool to get every day, after meals.
Ones an allergy to lactose, milk or just I don't like the taste of honey with sodium bicarbonate food options are available. Ratio – 1:3. Beekeeping product pre-heat water bath. A meal, a teaspoon after meals three times a day.
Meals celery
Vegetables are often added to increase the potency of the recipes. In particular, the high scores for treatment, genital abnormalities shows celery. With his help improving the part of the sperm, enhanced Erections, the sexual impulse.
To promote excitation, it is recommended that you prepare the following dishes:
- 150 g chopped celery and the Big Apple. The filling mixture, honey, and yogurt. Breakfast;
- In equal parts mix, celery, walnuts and grapes, all components are pre-cut. Add yogurt or sour cream with less fat percent. Cook this mixture 2 times a day.
Homemade medicine with propolis etc ..
Propolis benefits to men is not explained fully, for a long time already, the tool just discussed populists, but at the same time qualified medical.
"Black Gold" is:
- Prevent the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia;
- Stabilized nervous system;
- To improve blood circulation in the pelvis;
- Increase the production of testosterone;
- Exercise and Prevention of infertility.
Based propolis tincture is prepared, and rectal candles:
- Grind 20 g of propolis put in glass containers and add 80 ml of pure alcohol. Put a room for a week without access to light. Shake every 2 days. 30 drops to be consumed half an hour before each main meal. The genus of a glass of water vehicle;
- 100 animal fat melt using a water bath. Add 25 g of propolis and wax, pre-crushed. Cool and mix the mass. Is divided into small pieces, and to create the candle. From use for 14 days with 1 Night.
Shilajit water infusion
The product applies to the situation of a positive impact of mineral drugs, urogenital system, blood vessels, digestive organs.
Shilajit processes suppresses inflammation, refreshes, provides energy and texture forces a man. Useful for potency recovery prepared in water for infusion is as follows:
- Grind in a mortar, 2 g of dried extract. Powder 100 ml pour boiled water, at room temperature. Educational slurry and stir until it come to 5 minutes. I've missed a few times and tulle top-0,5 l clean up it happened this way;
- The same amount of the raw material mix 500 ml of water, picedit to 30 minutes in a water bath to a boil;
- Polypeptide purified water and cool it up to 60 degrees. Pour 5 grams powdered extract. Even if you insist. The volume of water intake is filtered through gauze and dilute to 500 ml.
Drugs, herbal raw materials
Male libido and ability to indirectly affect the quality of erections was seen in some plants than in ancient times. Ot may be with increased strength under certain conditions :
- the active ingredient concentration is sufficient (this is suitable for some plants to obtain extracts of Pharmacy);
- regular and long term use;
- the lack of a serious pathology that might affect in a negative way.
Fast and that will have meaningful impact, such as, for example, then you PDE-5 inhibitors, but long-term, and no adverse reactions to the body.
Turkish folk medicinal plants, erectile function and libido stimulants recommends the following :
- Datura prostrate;
- aloe;
- St John's wort;
- ginseng;
- thyme;
- stinging nettle;
- licorice root;
- Ivan-tea;
- lemon;
- the swamp air;
- Cucuta;
- dubrovnik;
- Hawthorn;
- golden root;
- pine cones;
- oak bark;
- kopeechnik.

Action herbs for morale, the general tone, intense blood circulation, pathogens, cruelty, soft regulation of the Endocrine and nervous systems.
Simple and effective recipes :
- 100 grams of thyme in a cup pour boiling water, insist, until it cools. Drinking 2 times a day after meals;
- 100 grams of ginseng root, pour with 200 ml boiling water, 2 days later fire sheep, horse simmer 40 minutes. The water's a little cool, add a tablespoon of honey, and 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon, drinking during the day after meals;
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh nettle (pre-boiled young leaves) 100 ml pour boiling water, brew a half hours. To drink 2 times a day for 20-25 minutes before a meal.
Beekeeping products
This power produce a wide variety of other useful customary honey bee products: perge, propolis, podmore, UAVS, and Royal Jelly. The effect is only a tool, prepared with quality raw material, therefore, the order of preference authorized the private beekeepers.
Perge − fermented bee pollen, they tamped down the honeycomb for later use as food. This product, unique content, high bioactive elements (more than 200). Perge in a large number of easily digestible protein, vitamins A, B1, B6, B2, P, A, D, E vitamins, mineral salts, organic acids, hormones and enzymes. A teaspoon a day is enough for 2 weeks (on an empty stomach) to increase hemoglobin, strengthen blood vessels, enhance the blood composition. After about a month of Ambrosia gain the power consumed to make a break for 2. week.
Raise libido and help men get rid of impotence UAV milk (homogeneous of horses) – "milk" the larvae of bees the plane. In addition, the search amino acids and vitamins, safe for male steroid hormones and the endocrine system. Warns of homogeneous horses, sex drive motion, as fast as an aphrodisiac can do restore erectile function, sperm mobility increase.
The setup based on drugs, sperm donation rates helps to develop bee products boost, boost sexual power, tone, get rid of the symptoms of prostatitis. Due enable the synthesis of testosterone sex glands increases.